PRRD approves EO strengthening PCW’s organizational structure

MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte has released an executive order (EO) strengthening the organizational structure of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

EO 167, signed by Duterte on Wednesday, modifies EO 208 enacted in 1994, to revise the composition of the PCW.

“Considering the expanded role and scope of work of the PCW, there is a need to strengthen the organizational structure of the Commission, including its current composition,” the order read.

The PCW chairperson designated by the President would serve on a full-time basis with the rank and emoluments of an undersecretary, according to EO 167.

The EO also calls for the appointment of two additional members to represent senior citizens and people with disabilities, respectively.

The incumbent PCW members from the government include the chair of the National Economic and Development Authority and heads of the departments of Agriculture, Budget, Education, Foreign Affairs, Health, Local Government, Labor, Social Welfare, and Trade.

“The heads of government agencies mentioned are authorized to designate their permanent alternates with a rank not lower than Assistant Secretary to represent them during Commission meetings and other official functions. The ex-officio member shall inform the Commission in writing of such designation,” according to EO 167.

The PCW also has members from non-governmental organizations representing the labor; business and industry; science and health; education or academe; urban poor; indigenous peoples; farmers and fisherfolk; media, culture, and the arts; and youth sectors.

A representative of the National Council of Women in the Philippines also serves as a member of the commission.

The new EO establishes a PCW secretariat, to be led by an executive director and aided by two deputy directors.

The PCW Secretariat is in charge of ensuring that the Commission’s members get the necessary technical and administrative assistance.

“Except as expressly modified by this Order, all other provisions of EO No. 208, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect,” EO 167 said.

The PCW is the primary policy-making and coordinating body of all women’s development initiatives and institutions in the country.

The commission is designated to institute the gender responsiveness of national development plans, coordinate the assessment and updating of the National Plan for Women, undertake continuing advocacy to promote women empowerment, and ensure Filipino women’s gains.

On Friday, Malacañang issued a copy of EO 167. 

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