SWS: 91% of Filipinos agree with optional face mask use

MANILA — According to the survey conducted by Social Weather Stations, nine out of 10 Filipinos approve the voluntary use of masks, but most of them continue to wear face coverings outdoors.

Results of a December 10 to 14 survey released late Monday found that 91% of the 1,200 adults polled nationwide approve the order making the wearing of face masks indoors and outdoors voluntary.

Of those, 64% said they “strongly approve” and 27% said they “somewhat approve.” Only 3% of Filipinos said they somewhat disapprove” and only 1% said they “strongly disapprove.”

The survey also found that 54% of the respondents said they always wear a face mask when leaving the house. Twenty-two percent answered “most of the time” and 15% answered “sometimes.”

Only eight percent said they “rarely” wear a mask when leaving their homes, and one percent answered “never.”

Filipinos are still required to wear masks in public transportation and in medical settings.

The Philippines has so far confirmed more than four million COVID-19 cases, including over 66,000 deaths, since the health crisis began in early 2020. There are currently 8,626 active cases in the country.

Masks for kids

Ninety-one percent of the household heads in the country agree with the voluntary wearing of masks for children in face-to-face classes, the survey also showed.

Of those, 65% said they “strongly agree”, 26% said they “somewhat agree”, 3% said they “somewhat disagree” and 2% said they “strongly disagree.”

Eighty-one percent of the household heads said they will always make their child wear a face mask when going to school. Eleven percent answered “most of the time” and 5% said “sometimes.”

Only 3% percent said they will “rarely” make their kid wear a mask in school, and 0.5% answered “never.”

The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews. The sampling error margin is ±2.8% nationwide.

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