Marcos signs EO expediting telco permits, licenses

MANILA — President Marcos has streamlined the processes for the building of telecommunications and internet infrastructure as part of the government’s effort to enhance digital connectivity in the country.

Executive Order 32 signed by Marcos on July 4 cited the need for an institutionalized set of streamlined guidelines for the issuance of permits, licenses and certificates for the construction of telecommunications and internet infrastructure.

It covers all national government agencies and instrumentalities, including firms owned or controlled by the government and local government involved in the issuance of permits, licenses, clearances, certifications and authorizations.

The policy applies to the construction, installation, repair, operation and maintenance of shared passive telecommunications tower infrastructure, and erection of poles, installation of aerial and underground cables and facilities, underground fiber ducts, ground terminals and other transmission telecommunications and internet infrastructure and facilities.

“No other national or local permit or clearance shall be required in the construction, installation, repair, operation, and maintenance of telecommunications and Internet infrastructure,” the order read.

Exempted from the policy are building permits issued by the Office of the Building Official; height clearance permit from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, homeowners associations and other community clearances, clearances from other state agencies, and other requirements as mandated by the Constitution and existing laws.

The EO also mandates all cities and municipalities to establish one-stop shops that will render frontline services to applicants seeking building permits and other related certificates. They are also enjoined to implement a zero backlog policy in all applications for permits and clearances, subject to existing laws and regulations. (philstar)

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