PRRD directs use of gov’t assets to support ‘Odette’ victims

MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte has directed the use of all government assets to hasten the distribution of relief and rehabilitation efforts in places hit by Typhoon Odette, the Malacañang said on Sunday.

“Ang utos nga ni Pangulo (The President’s directive) is use all government resources to ensure that all goods are delivered as soon as possible especially sa (in the) province ng (of) Surigao del Norte at sa (and in) Dinagat Islands,” acting presidential spokesperson Secretary Karlo said in an interview over DZBB.

Duterte designated Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rolando Bautista to act as the crisis manager to make sure that government response is coordinated in Surigao del Norte and Dinagat Islands, according to Nograles.

Bautista will be assisted by National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Executive Director and Civil Defense Administrator Undersecretary Ricardo Jalad.

The two officials will be in charge of facilitating the delivery and transportation of food and non-food items to affected areas, as well as ensuring the immediate and stable delivery of food and water to the devastated areas, delivering tents and tarpaulins to these areas within 24 hours, and implementing food-for-work and cash-for-work programs to assist typhoon victims, as needed.

The Philippine Navy and Philippine Coast Guard will dispatch boats and ships to supplement the rapid delivery of vital supplies, equipment, and food in Surigao del Norte and the Dinagat Islands, according to Nograles.

He stated that the BRP The Ang Pangulo will also be deployed to the Dinagat Islands and Siargao to serve as a floating hospital after the typhoon devastated the hospitals in these locations, necessitating the augmentation of medical personnel to treat the injured and others in need.

He added that the Armed Forces of the Philippines Eastern Mindanao Command has agreed to send medical teams onboard the two Navy ships to supplement the health staff in Siargao and Dinagat Islands.

The Department of Health has committed to send needed medical supplies and augment health personnel in Dinagat Islands, Nograles said.

For its part, the Maritime Industry Authority will check the seaworthiness of vessels in Surigao del Norte and the Dinagat Islands immediately in order to improve the delivery of food and supplies to these areas.

Duterte directed the Department of Agriculture to provide boats and seedlings to affected fishermen and farmers in Southern Leyte, according to Nograles.

He also requested that the National Housing Authority and the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development provide necessary support to families who have lost or had their houses damaged.

Duterte also ordered the Department of Energy to hasten the restoration of power to impacted areas and the Department of Information and Communications Technology to increase mobile cell sites to affected areas as soon as possible.

According to the NDRRMC, 135 areas in Mimaropa, Regions 7, 8, and 10, as well as the BARMM, are still without connection.

The DSWD has been asked to make sure that relief goods are distributed to afflicted households as soon as possible and in a consistent manner.

Help on the way

Meanwhile, Nograles noted that Duterte has vowed approximately PHP2 billion worth of assistance to local governments of provinces hit by the typhoon.

The NDRRMC reported on Sunday that the onslaught of “Odette” has afflicted 181,500 families in 2,209 barangays.

Nograles told people in typhoon-ravaged provinces that help is on its way.

“Ang mensahe ko na lang sa lahat ng mga naapektuhan ng Typhoon Odette: Ginagawa po ng inyong pamahalaan ang lahat ng ating makakaya (My message to those affected by Typhoon Odette: The government is doing everything it can),” Nograles said.

In a press release, he also asked the public to pray for the typhoon-affected communities.

“As the whole government acts with dispatch to assist typhoon-affected areas and residents, we call on everyone to pray for those who perished, those who are still missing, and those who got injured for their swift recovery. Let us all extend kindness, generosity and compassion to our kababayans who are in need,” he said.

On Saturday Duterte visited Siargao Island in Surigao del Norte, Dinagat Islands and Maasin City in Southern Leyte to personally assess the damage caused by typhoon Odette.

Despite acknowledging that government funds are “immensely depleted” as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, he assured that he is seeking funds to assist them.

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